Object Reconstruction with Depth Error Compensation Using Azure Kinect
Framework of object reconstruction with depth error compensation using Azure Kinect
Classical 3D reconstruction methods have the built-in
problem of not being able to separate the object of interest
from the rest of the scene. Most methods also suffer from
shape distortion caused by inaccurate depth measurement
or estimation. In this paper, we present a method for
creating precise object meshes automatically based on
existing SLAM frameworks (ORB-SLAM2 & BADSLAM) alongside
a learning-based depth error compensation mechanism for
Time-of-Flight cameras. We demonstrate the effectiveness
of our method by using the Azure Kinect RGBD camera to
reconstruct various objects. We also conduct experiments
showing better performance of our depth error compensation
mechanism compared with the classical depth correction
method adopted by BADSLAM.
Paper: [PDF] Appendix: [PDF] Code: [GitHub]
Framework of depth error compensation
Experiment Results
Left: 3D surface reconstruction of a person (left) and a
face (right). The top row are input point clouds, the middle
row are reconstructed mesh using Poisson Surface Recon-
struction, the bottom row are ones after cropping the redun-
dant parts.
Right: Mean (left column) and standard deviation (right
column) of depth error at each pixel among 100 original
images (a)-(b) and corrected images using neural network
(c)-(d) and random forest (e)-(f)